Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How did Margaret Thatcher become leader of the Conservative party Why Essay

How did Margaret Thatcher become leader of the Conservative company Why was she qualified to remain as the partys leader for fifteen years - establish ExampleShe was representing Finchley Region in England. Later in 1970, she was appointed the secretary for Education and Technology. In a conservative party election that was held in 1975, Thatcher was commensurate to defeat Edward Health as the leader of the Conservative party and by that she emerged the leader of opposition and the first woman to be a leader of a major political party in the UK. This paper will look at the strategies that Margaret Thatcher used to become the leader of the Conservative Party and how she remained its leader for such a long time.As mentioned earlier in the introduction, Margaret Thatcher became the first lady to hold a major party leadership in the United Kingdom. Her demeanor of leadership made her to be branded the Iron Lady due to the mode she used in administration and maintaining her relevance in leadership. Battling it with men and specially defeating Edward Health in the Conservative Party elections in 1975 worked as a milestone in her bid to become the first female Prime government minister in the United Kingdom.Thatchers put down a number of policies that she was fighting for and which she deemed best for the whole nation. Her policies cost the country in some itinerary but also empowered the people to work more and deliver much without waiting for the government to do a lot for them (Evans, 2013). Thatcher made it assimilate that the government could only do what it was capable of doing and the people would be left with the mandate to do the rest for themselves. One of the policies that she set was the ownership of houses that made the citizens able to own houses for the first time in the history of the nation. This earned her both fame and resistance from the people who thought that her way of leadership was truly deficient.In comme il faut the leader of the co nservative party, Thatcher had capitalised in the loss of power of the party leader Edward Health who had become unpopular and consequently lost the seat to her in the party elections

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